(To the tune of John Brown's Body)
Learned from Nicole Wisler (Age 9) and Elisa Sarabtschin (Age 8)
at Pony Camp, Doylestown, PA
I know a song that get’s on everybody’s nerves - everybody’s nerves -everybody’s nerves
I know a song that get’s on everybody’s nerves -
And this is how it goes
Repeat until you make everyone crazy…...
(To The Tune of On Top of Old Smokey)
Contributed By The Hajioannou Family
I Am A Baby, All Covered In Cheese in cheese
I eat my bananas
and spit out my peas
I am a baby
All covered with carrots
I guess that that’s better
Then covered with ferrets
I am a baby
I am a baby
All covered with cheese
I don’t think I like it
Cuz it makes me SNEEZE - AH CHOOOOOO!
Sent by Lisa and Julia Elliot (age 4) Lisa’s grandma used to sing this to her!
Mares eat oats
and Does eat oats
and little lambs eat ivy,
a kid will eat ivy too
wouldnt you?
(To The Tune of Oh My Darling)
By Kyra Hajioannou
This is good to sing around Halloween!
Oh my monster, oh my monster, oh my monster, Frankenstein
You are growing very scary
Sweet old monster, Frankenstein!
(To the tune of "On Top Of Old Smokey" )
On top of spaghetti, all covered with cheese
I lost my poor meatball, when somebody sneezed.
It rolled past the table, it rolled on the floor
And then my poor meatball, it rolled out the door
It rolled into the garden, and under a bush
And then my poor meatball, was nothing but mush
But the mush it was tasty, as tasty can be
And early next summr, it grew to a tree
The tree it was covered with beautiful moss
It grew great big meatballs, and spaghetti sauce
So if you have spaghetti, all covered with cheese
Hang onto your meatball, and don't ever sneeze!
(How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?)
New Lyrics © Daria A. Marmaluk-Hajioannou
Add your own verses!!!!
How much is that doggie in the window?
The one with the wqaggely tail?
How much is that doggie in the window?
I do hope that doggie’s for sale
How much is that fishie in the wondow
The one that’s the size of a whale?
How much is that moo-cow in the window
The one eating hay from a bale?
How much is that snake in the window
Who slithered right out of her pail?
How much is that iguana in the window
The one with a tail like a sail
How much is that dino in the window
The one with the thousand pound tail?
Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream
Row row row your boat
Underneath the stream
Ha ha fooled you
I’m a submarine
Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
If you see a crocodile
Don’t forget to scream
Check out two more silly songs (click on link for lyrics):
What's Green and Sings?
Elvis Parsley
What's Green and Sings Pop Music?
Brittany Asparagus Spears
What Did The Dentist Tell The School Band?
They should brush their teeth with a TUBA Toothpaste.
What Did The Music Teacher Tell Her Students?
If you don't B SHARP,
you'll B FLAT.
What do you get when you cross a musical instrument with a guy who likes to swing in the trees?
(Guitar + Tarzan)
Doctor, Doctor!
I swallowed a harmonica!
Doctor: Thank goodness you don't play the piano!
Do you have a favorite silly song or musical joke that isn’t here? If so, email me and I will send you a free signed DARIA poster to thank you for sharing your sillyness with me!